Proud partners with

National Independent Automobile Dealers Association

The Carolina Independant Automobile Dealers Association

STARS GPS, your Exclusive National Provider,
specializes in providing the best technology with personal
service, training and support for the
independent and franchise dealership. STARS GPS also offers the
same personal on-site service for finance
companies and their dealer clients, as well as provides automated
daily inventory management services that keep
dealers constantly supplied with uninterrupted and seamless
product flow based on their individual volume
Our business philosophy is an attitude, a state
of mind. We are large enough to meet your needs, yet we
maintain that old-fashioned adage that service
is not a byproduct, it is a choice,” said R. Allen Douglas,
president. “We understand your business needs
and offer quality solutions backed by dependable people you
can count on day after day.
STARS GPS operates in many states across the
country and is excited with the opportunity to extend our
services to the NIADA members. Throughout the
year, promotion opportunities that include bonus products,
price discounts, and free merchandise will be
made to dealers. Refer to our ads for promotion codes.